Alpha Facilitator Programme

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The Alpha Facilitator training programme enables professionally qualified adults to train children and young people in the Brighter Minds' Alpha programme, guiding children to a higher level of learning and a more fulfilled life.

Brighter Minds

The Alpha Facilitator training enables qualified adults to coach children and young people in Brighter Minds' Alpha programmes, to teach children how to maximise learning, and live fulfilling lives.

Who can become an Alpha facilitator?

If you have facilitation skills; if you are encouraging, and you like to learn while looking at the world in a positive way; if you want to get involved in an innovative programme that offers concrete solutions to create a harmonious and responsible environment; if you already have professional experience with children and young people - the "Alpha Programme Facilitator" training is for you.

The training combines theoretical learning and practical experience with a group of children. It is a certificate course that enables you to work professionally with groups of children using the Alpha method.

The Alpha programme enables children to make intuitive decisions, to move from thinking to feeling. The method combines the findings of neuroscience with the intuitive intelligence of the heart.

Facilitators will have sufficiently refined 'qualities of presence' to enable children to find balance, and to thrive in confidence during training sessions.

Déroulé du programme
Caratteristiche del corso

2 types of training are possible, online, or face-to-face.

Online training

The training is composed of 8 modules of 3.5 hours in interaction with the instructors.  In each module, the participant discovers and experiences a specific activity of the Alpha programme.

This training is completed by a practical course with a group of children to apply the concepts in a concrete way. With the agreement of the Brighter Minds Institute, the participant can then offer this method in a professional setting.

In person 

The training courses take place over a full week and are completed by a practical course with a group of children. The participant attends all the modules to complete the training.

The trainers accompany you enthusiastically through the training modules and throughout your practical training.

Les activités du programme
Programme's activities

The training combines physical activities, intellectual insights, and a sensory experience of the programme. The participant is able to adapt their view of the different situations and of themselves during the training.                    

Module 1:

  • Presentation of the trainers, the BMF Institute, its history, and its researchers
  • Presentation of the Alpha Programme: why this programme; and how do we help children to excel? 
  • The art of being a facilitator

Module 2:

  • Scientific aspects of the Alpha programme   

Module 3:

  • Child development, potential, and needs
  • The power of intention and emotion: immersion in the first part of the Alpha programme

Module 4:

  • Brain Gymnastics
  • Dance and physical activities
  • Fine motor skills and attention

Module 5:

  • Towards the alpha state, principles and activities, part 1

Module 6:

  • Towards the alpha and theta state, principles and activities, 2nd part
  • Sensory activities, 1st stage
  • Intuition, observation, and concentration

Modules 7 and 8:

  • Complete experiential sessions with all stages of sensory activities.


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Formation facilitateur Alpha - Ile de la Réunion - Mai 2025
Stage Restart en présentiel - Sanary-sur-Mer
Stages Alpha - Chabeuil
Stage Alpha - Chaintré
Stage Alpha - Lausanne - Avril 2025
Stage Restart en Présentiel - Sisteron
Formation Certifiante Facilitateur Alpha - 2025
Stage intensif Alpha - Sisteron
Stage Alpha à Illtal en Alsace (68) les samedis
Stage Alpha en Alsace ( 68) les mercredis
Formation Alpha Découverte en ligne
Présentation de la méthode Brighter Minds - LIVE MENSUEL GRATUIT
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